Wednesday 20 November 2019


(Mark - 1 Questions)

  1. What is work done in Physics?
  2. Read the following situations: “Child A is preparing for exam in his study room at his table. Child B climbs a tree several feet high on the ground.” Who has done more work and why?
  3. A student is writing a three hours science paper. How much work is done by the student? Give reasons to your answer
  4. State the SI unit of work.
  5. Express work mathematically.
  6. Define the SI unit of work.
  7. What would be the work done if
    (a) force on the object is zero? (b) displacement of the object is zero?
  8. A 2 m high person is holding a 25 kg trunk on his head and is standing at a roadways bus-terminus. How much work is done by the person?
  9. A bullock is pulling a cart and the cart moves. Name the object which is doing work and the object on which work is done.
  10. A coolie is walking on a railway platform with a load of 30 kg on his head. How much work is done by coolie?
  11. State the conditions for zero work done.
  12. The moon is experiencing a gravitational force due to the earth and is revolving around the earth in a circular orbit. How much work is done by the moon?
  13. On pushing a mighty stone, a child is unable to move it. If work done is zero, where is the energy he expends, lost?
  14. When is the work done by a body positive?
  15. When is the work done by a body negative?
  16. Give an example of positive work.
  17. Give an example of negative work.
  18. How is ‘work’ done in day-to-day life different from its scientific conception?
  19. What is meant by energy?
  20. Why do engines require a fuel like petrol and diesel?
  21. Why do living beings and machines need energy?
  22. Why is the Sun called the biggest source of energy?
  23. What happens to energy of an object which does work and on which work is done?
  24. How does an object with energy do work?
  25. List a few forms of energy.
  26. State the SI unit of energy.
  27. State the CGS unit of energy and relate it with its SI unit.
  28. Relate (a) calorie (b) kilojoule with SI unit of energy.
  29. Name the term used for the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy of a body.
  30. Define kinetic energy.
  31. Identify the kind of energy possessed by a running athlete.
  32. Give a few examples of energy possessed by different objects due to their motion.
  33. Define potential energy.
  34. A rubber band is stretched. What happens to the work done on the rubber band in stretching it?
  35. Name the type of energy possessed by (a) moving car (b) water stored in a dam reservoir.
  36. A slinky is (a) compressed (b) stretched. What happens to its potential energy in each case?
  37. Name the type of energy possessed by a raised hammer.
  38. In an oscillating pendulum, at what position the potential and kinetic energies are maximum?
  39. A stone of mass m lying on ground is raised to height h. Which energy does it acquire? What is the magnitude of this energy?
  40. Two balls of masses m each are raised to height h and 2h respectively. What will be the ratio of their potential energies?
  41. Which of the following balls having equal mass has the maximum potential energy? Why?
  42. A body of mass m is moving with velocity v. What is its kinetic energy?
  43. At what speed a body of mass 1 kg will have a kinetic energy of 1 J?
  44. If the speed of the body is halved, what is the change in its kinetic energy?
  45. A horse of mass 210 kg and a dog of mass 25 kg are running at the same speed. Which of the two possesses more kinetic energy? How?
  46. What will cause greater change in kinetic energy of a body—changing its mass or changing its velocity?
  47. A bag of wheat is dropped from a height h. What energy conversion takes place as it reaches the ground?
  48. State the energy conversion occurring in (a) hydel power station (b) electrochemical cell.
  49. What energy transformation occurs in the following:
    (a) release of arrow from bow, (b) use of solar cell?
  50. State law of conservation of energy.
  51. What happens to kinetic energy and potential energy of a stone if it is thrown upwards?
  52. What is the rate of consumption or transfer of energy by a machine called?
  53. Define power.
  54. Two persons A and B complete a given work in 1 h and 2 h respectively. Who is more powerful and why?
  55. What is the SI unit of power?
  56. Define 1 W of power.
  57. If the heart works 60 joules in one minute, what is its power?
  58. (a) Relate one horsepower to the SI unit of power.
    (b) How many watt constitute one kilowatt?
  59. Define commercial unit of energy.
  60. How many joules is one kWh of energy equal to?
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